Concealed Carry Do’s and Don’ts

Modern America gives citizens more reasons than ever to take up arms to defend themselves and their loved ones. Bear in mind that no government agency sees it as its mission to protect citizens 24 hours per day, 365 days a year. However, the government is always prepared to catalog its citizens as criminals or victims. The following is a list of do’s and don’ts should you choose to exercise your right as an American citizen to carry a concealed firearm legally.


1. Do adequate research and testing so that you choose the correct firearm for you. Size, weight, and caliber are essential factors.

2. Do pick a quality holster that has some retention mechanism.

3. Do train often with the ammunition and holster(s) you plan to use for concealed carry.

4. Do consider the clothing you plan to wear for concealed because surprise is the ultimate weapon in a defensive situation.

5. Do obtain some type of portable vault that can be secured in vehicles and dwellings because every place you go does not allow firearms.

6. Do obtain Concealed carry insurance.

7. Do make a list of reasons why you would employ your firearm.


1. Do not spend more money on firearms and ammunition than you do on training.

2. Do not carry more than one firearm unless you are trained to carry more than one firearm.

3. Do not carry off of your person (purses, gym bags, briefcases).

4. Do not leave your firearm unsecured in vehicles, hotel rooms, vacation homes, etc.

5. Do not carry your firearm when you think you may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

6. Do not carry a firearm where the law prohibits you from carrying one (ignorance of the law is not a legal defense)

7. Do not go places with a firearm that you wouldn’t usually go without one.