Say her name: Rachel Morin

Say her name: Rachel Morin. On August 5th, 2023, Rachel — a mother of five — was murdered while exercising on the Ma & Pa Heritage Trail in Hartford County, Maryland. Rachel’s family turned to Maryland attorney Randolph Rice, the managing partner of Rice, Murtha & Psoras for assistance. In today’s episode, Randolph Rice describes…

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Diddy’s Bad Boy Record

In this episode, Serge and Clarke discuss a video of Sean “Diddy” Combs assaulting Cassandra “Cassie” Ventura in the hallway of the L.A. InterContinental Hotel in 2016 as well as the recent Homeland Security search warrant raids on Diddy owned properties in Los Angeles and Miami. Clarke offers Diddy’s team some legal advice. Serge disagrees.…

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The Inside Skinny on a Jury Trial in Manatee County, Florida.

Join Serge and Clarke as they share Nathan Steelman’s experience sitting as a juror in the judgment of a woman charged with domestic violence in Florida.  You have heard the expression “I’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.” (Clarke disagrees: he would rather be carried by six than judged by 12).  But…

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Teach Your Children Well

In 1968, Graham Nash, later of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, wrote a song about the difficult relationship he had with his father who was sent to jail for receiving stolen goods. The song “Teach Your Children” has beautiful lyrics including this stanza: “Teach your children well, Their father’s hell did slowly go by, Feed…

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Is the federal government finally satisfied with the Derek Chauvin sentence?

After Derek Chauvin killed George Floyd, the federal government permitted anarchists to loot and burn communities across the country. The State of Minnesota successfully prosecuted Chauvin and he was sentenced to 22 years in prison. However, the federal government was not satisfied. A federal grand jury was convened. Chauvin was federally indicted. Chauvin pled guilty…

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Not All Prosecutors Think Alike; Some Thoughts on the Marilyn Mosby Case

The United States Attorney for the District of Maryland successfully indicted and convicted former Baltimore City State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby of two counts of perjury. In this weeks episode, Jack Mitchell — a former police officer who worked for Ms. Mosby as an Assistant State’s Attorney — joins Serge and Clarke to discuss Mosby’s perjury…

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The Plot Thickens in the Kashef Khan MSP Termination Case

Kashef Khan was the Maryland State Trooper of the Year until he was fired for allegedly writing a false report. The “falsity” in the report was the location of a traffic stop which Khan accurately documented in many ways. Khan uploaded a slightly inaccurate longitude and latitude location from a reporting system that MSP admits…

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The Metamorphosis of Yusef Salaam

This story begins with a 1989 rape in Central Park, involves a New York real estate tycoon who threw gas on a fire, and evolves into a remarkable and inspiring story of citizenship. Serge and Clarke discuss the life (at least so far) of Yusef Salaam. This episode is a short listen about a modern…

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A Fatal Stabbing on the J Train

A fatal stabbing on the J train is the subject of this week’s podcast. Five weeks after Daniel Perry fatally choked Jordan Neely on the New York subway system, 20-year-old Jordan Williams is charged with manslaughter and criminal possession of a weapon for the fatal stabbing of Devictor Ouedraogo. Serge and Clarke discuss the differences,…

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Debra Saltz on an Idea Whose Time May Have Arrived!

Debra Saltz is one of Maryland’s best attorneys. She clerked for the late, great Joseph Murphy, she worked as a public defender in Baltimore County, and she served as a prosecutor in Howard County for four years. Debra has also been in private practice for many years, especially concentrating in criminal defense. Debra is a…

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The Diminishing Trial by Jury

In this episode, Serge and Clarke explore the phenomenon of the diminishing trial by jury. After explaining the statistics — which are shocking — Serge and Clarke seek to answer the questions of why the trial by jury is disappearing and the consequences of this significant change to the criminal justice process in America. 

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