A Look at U.S. v. Mosby

On January 13, 2022, the United States Attorney for the District of Maryland announced a four-count federal indictment against the Hon. Marilyn Mosby, the State’s Attorney for Baltimore City. There are two counts of perjury related to making a withdrawal of funds from her retirement account after alleging a Covid hardship and two counts of…

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The Calendar Year 2021 Wrap Up Show

Serge and Clarke update their audience on everything from Derek Chauvin’s federal conviction to Kyle Rittenhouse’s celebrity status, along with Serge’s “worst of the year” and Clarke’s “best of the year.”  An easy listen but with a note of sadness at the beginning of the episode as Serge and Clarke acknowledge the passing of Baltimore Police Officer…

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Ofc. Keona Holley is the latest casualty of the war on police

On December 16, 2021 on Pennington Avenue in Curtis Bay, BPD Officer Keona Holley, on-duty, in uniform, and sitting in a marked Baltimore police cruiser was shot multiple times by two men. The men then fled, only to shoot and kill a civilian in Baltimore about 90 minutes later. The Baltimore Police Department has arrested…

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Our Thoughts on the Kyle Rittenhouse Trial

On August 23, 2020, a white Kenosha police officer, Rusten Sheskey, shot a black man, Jacob Blake, in the back during a call for service. Riots erupted. Kyle Rittenhouse, a 17-year old armed with a rifle, shot three men during the riots, killing two. Many were outraged and condemned Rittenhouse as a “white supremacist.” Then-candidate…

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Expert James (“Jim”) Lilley on the Use of the Choke Hold

Our guest in this episode is Sgt. James Lilley, Howard County Police Department, ret.  James (‘Jim”)  Lilley is a nationally renowned expert in police tactics, the creator of a police training series on handgun retention by police, and the author of fiction and non-fiction books. He is a former marine and a lifetime student of…

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Trayvon Martin & Ahmaud Arbery: A Reflection on Similarities.

On February 26, 2012, a “neighborhood watch captain” named George Zimmerman shot and killed a young African American man named Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida. Almost eight years later to the day, in Brunswick, Georgia, 264 miles due north of Sanford, Florida, a group of self-appointed law enforcers – Gregory McMichael, Travis McMichael and William…

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Maryland Prosecutors Release “Do Not Call Lists.”

The chief prosecutor in Baltimore City and Prince George’s County Maryland released their respective “Do Not Call Lists” after a Maryland appellate court ruling. The “Do Not Call Lists” are lists of former and current federal, state, and local law enforcement officers deemed unfit to testify by prosecutors because the prosecutors question the officer’s credibility.…

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On the Normalization of Marijuana

In the United States, many states have made medical marijuana available to anyone with a medical marijuana card. Some states have decriminalized marijuana and still others have made recreational marijuana use legal for adults. Serge and Clarke discuss their thoughts on this subject and especially the need for better THC testing for drugged driving cases.

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The Moab Police and the Gabby Petito / Brian Laundrie Incident 8/12/21

The body of Gabrielle (“Gabby”) Petito has been recovered and ruled a homicide. Fifteen days before the likely date of her death, Moab (Utah) Police responded to a reported assault. Their handling of the assault has been widely criticized by domestic violence experts and law enforcement sources. In this episode, Serge Antonin and Clarke Ahlers,…

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The Judge Jonathan Newell Matter

On September 11, 2021, FBI agents attempted to arrest Maryland Circuit Court Judge Jonathan Newell. The agents entered his residence in Caroline County, Maryland and found the judge dead from a single gunshot wound. The death has been determined to be a suicide. Serge and Clarke discuss this unusual case and the allegation of child…

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Shot in the Line of Duty—Our First Survivor Story

Serge and Clarke interview our first guest, Police Officer “J.B.”  JB, who is still working as a police officer, describes the evening that he and a partner were shot by a drug suspect that JB was chasing. JB describes his reaction in the seconds after the shots were fired, the effect that the crime had…

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Rapid Response to Active Shooters

First recorded in March of 2021, Serge and Clarke evaluate evolving police tactics of response to “active shooters.” The lexicon, history, and tactics are evaluated from the 1966 Texas Tower in Austin to the 2021 Boulder, Colorado grocery store mass shooting. For those familiar with Howard County, Maryland, Serge and Clarke also discuss the 2014…

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Defunding the Police: A 1935 idea is partially realized in 2021

Serge and Clarke discuss the original idea of W.E.B. Du Bois that is now the slogan of the Black Lives Matter movement in the United States. Serge argues for more money for police agencies, while Clarke — who disagrees with the basic idea of “defunding the police” — argues that police departments need to use…

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Gun Violence Claims Innocent Bystanders

An increasingly complicated problem in America is the wounding and killing of unintended victims. There are so many shootings in so many locations, including highways, that the daily news reports children and adults being harmed who weren’t even intended to be harmed by the trigger pullers. Serge and Clarke talk about this phenomenon, especially in…

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