Fells Point Tax Revolt Leads Baltimore Police to “Flood the Zone.”

Thirty-seven Baltimore businesses threatened a taxpayer revolt unless the city provided sufficient police protection to the Fells Points community. Counter-protestors threatened to boycott these same businesses unless they paid taxes. The politics of police protection in Baltimore is the topic of this podcast.  “We’ve reached our breaking point”: 37 Fells Point businesses threaten not to…

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Project EXILE makes for strange bedfellows in Baltimore

The acting United States Attorney for the District of Maryland holds a press conference to announce an expanded Project EXILE in Baltimore. He shares the stage with State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby. Serge Antonin and Clarke Ahlers consider the confusing messages being sent by Marilyn Mosby who told her constituents that the most serious problem facing…

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Can the police order you — or Caron Nazario — out of the car?

After watching so-called experts, special interest group advocates, and self-proclaimed victims discuss the Caron Nazario traffic stop case on cable news, Black and White and Thin Blue Lines, Inc. (hereafter “BWTBL”) wants to clarify the law of traffic stops. The basic point is this: a police officer may lawfully and constitutionally order the driver and…

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Black in Blue; MSP discriminates against its own.

Black and White and Thin Blue Lines’ co-hosts, Serge Antonin and Clarke Ahlers, discuss the intersection of Maryland law enforcement and race in a discussion about the recent complaint from African-American state troopers that they are under-represented on the Maryland State Police, singled out for discipline, and treated more harshly than white troopers in administrative…

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Picking a Jury in the Derek Chauvin Murder Trial

In this podcast, your hosts Serge and Clarke discuss the process of picking a jury in the Minnesota trial involving George Floyd’s accused killer, former police officer Derek Chauvin. The hosts discuss whether press reports and discussion with others would render them ineligible to be on the jury, and discuss the process of picking a…

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