The Plot Thickens in the Kashef Khan MSP Termination Case
Kashef Khan was the Maryland State Trooper of the Year until he was fired for allegedly writing a false report. The “falsity” in the report was the location of a traffic stop which Khan accurately documented in many ways. Khan uploaded a slightly inaccurate longitude and latitude location from a reporting system that MSP admits was NOT designed for highway use and may generate inaccurate locations. While Kashef Khan’s case works its way through the Maryland appellate court process, Khan revealed to the Office of the Attorney General that he had tape-recorded the interrogation that MSP alleged it could not locate. And lo and behold, Khan’s copy of that interrogation contradicts the testimony of the interrogators before the Administrative Hearing Board and in statements made by them to Internal Affairs. The Maryland State Prosecutor has referred the case to MSP for administrative investigation.
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